Our People

Simon Jovanovic
Simon is the Founder and CEO of the Byamee Institute and is a leading scholar, thought leader and advocate on Aboriginal economic development and employment policy. He is a citizen of the Walbunja Nation born on Ngunnawal land and a proud Serbian Australian. Simon worked in Aboriginal Identified positions across the New South Wales Government from 2009 to 2018, providing advice and support for Aboriginal programs and services. Simon is Byamee Institute's leader and ambassador.

Uncle Phil Duncan
Phil Duncan is from Moree New South Wales and is a member of the Gomeroi Nation. His homelands are Moree and Terry Hie Hie. Phil has over 38 years’ experience working with communities and government to improve the lives of Aboriginal people. Phil provides high level policy and strategic advice and leadership to key Indigenous Representative Organisations, Universities, government agencies as well as key external stakeholder groups. Phil ensures that everything Byamee Institute does is culturally strong.